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Extra Help Sessions Options
Math Sessions
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Before School When: 7:30-8:30
Where: Room 1119
Who: Mr. Radom
When: 7:30-8:30
Where: Room 1119
Who: Mr. Radom
When: 7:30-8:30
Where: Room 1119
Who: Mr. Radom
At Lunch Where: Room 1133: Math 8/9
Room 1120: Math 9/10
Who: Ms Devlin/Mr. DesJardins
After School When: 3:00 � 4:30
Where: Room 1133
Who: Ms. Devlin
*Math 8/9

When: after school
Where: Room 1123
Who: Mr. Sall
*By appointment only. Please see Mr. Sall in advance.
When: after school
Where: Room 1123
Who: Mr. Sall
*By appointment only. Please see Mr. Sall in advance.
When: after school
Where: Room 1123
Who: Mr. Sall
*By appointment only. Please see Mr. Sall in advance.
When: 1:15 � 2:30
(Except the 1st Thur of each month due to staff meetings)
Where: Room 1144
Who: Mrs. Mehrassa

When: after school
Where: Room 1123
Who: Mr. Sall
*By appointment only. Please see Mr. Sall in advance.
When: after school
Where: Room 1123
Who: Mr. Sall
*By appointment only. Please see Mr. Sall in advance.

*Mr. Grant available by request. See him to set up an appointment.

French Sessions
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
At Lunch Room 2146
Ms. Fischer
Room 2140
Ms. Vander Pauw
After School Room 2140
Ms. Vander Pauw

*Ms. Ryan has week long work blitzes at lunch hour. Announcements are made in the Haney Happenings.

English Sessions
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Before School
At Lunch Room 119
Mr. Urquhart
After School Room 2137
Ms. Churko
Mr. Rosati Rotunda
Ms. Evans (or app�t)

Science Sessions

Teachers are available on a daily basis. Make an appointment to see your teacher.

Socials Sessions

Teachers are available on a daily basis. Make an appointment to see your teacher.