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Graduation Information Options

Important notice to 2008 Grads:

  • Grads- please remember to come by the counselling office before April 2 to sign up for your cap and gown sizing. The list is immediately on your right as you walk in the counselling area- right beside the photocopier. Please note: by registering for a cap and gown, it does NOT mean you automatically will be walking across the stage in June. You still must be on the final grad list at the end of May in order to be eligible.
  • To be considered as a Valdictorian , or to be eligible to vote FOR the Valdictorian , you must be on the April grad list which will come out after Easter Weekend. Remember, term three marks cut off is April 5.

1. The first grad list of the year will be posted the week after report cards are issued. To be eligible, you must:

  • have taken all courses, or be REGISTERED in courses that will enable you to meet all graduation requirements. Registration for uncompleted courses must be done by MARCH 16, 2007 unless there are mitigating circumstances.
  • you must be progressing at a satisfactory PACE according to the classroom teacher in all courses.
  • All grade 10 courses must be completed, including any exams
  • not be taking more than 7 courses that you need to meet grad requirements.
  • Must be completed English or Comm 11

2. If you are attending a class but you are not "registered" in the course on the computer, the teacher CAN NOT input any grades for you, therefore you will get zero credit in that course. The solution to this is to see one of your counselors, not your TA, and not the teacher.

3. A reminder to those students looking to attend a post secondary institution next year - early registrations are now being accepted, and college applications are accepted on a first come, first served basis. Check the websites for each institution, or see one of the counselors or Mrs. McDonald in the Career Center.

4. Please submit a Grad write up with a maximum of 200 characters, along with your baby photo. Your write up will not be placed in the yearbook unless you have a grad photo. Grad write ups can be submitted by email to [email protected]. Please include your first and last name, and TA number. If there is any inappropriate language it will be sent back. Deadline for submission is December 18. The Grad signature will be finished by Christmas break, and we will not be able to include a write up after the deadline.

5. PARENTS OF GRADS : please send in a Tribute and favorite pre-school photo, along with a $25 cheque, made payable to THSS. Tributes and photos can be submitted in the techlab to Mr. Crawford or emailed to [email protected]. Please include name and TA on photo. All information must be submitted by Dec. 18. Due to the yearbook company deadlines we are unable to use material submitted after this date.

Note to Parents : there will be a letter coming in the mail during November regarding your child's status after the first grad list comes out. Please look for it in the mail.