- Blue Slip
- a blue colored piece of paper issued every time a student completes a course. The blue slip also allows students to sign up for new courses.
- Cross-Curricular Credit
- Students gain learning guide credit in 2 or more courses for 1 project. Students need to be aware of the expectations in learning guides to take advantage of these opportunities.
- Continuous Progress
- Learning Activities are developed in manageable units which require students to demonstrate mastery before progressing in their course work. Students can begin and complete courses at anytime during the year as communicated with T.A. and parent
- Kiosk
- This is the area where resources are obtained for student use. There is a kiosk for the Humanities Department and the Math/Science Department. Before students are able to secure resources, they must have no overdue resources or outstanding fees. A school I.D. card is also required to sign out resources.
- Learning Guide
- A unit of work that equals 1/20th of a course.
- Marker Contact
- When the student meets with his/her marker. This should occur a minimum of 2 times per week.
- Negotiated Credit
- When a student speaks with his/her marker to gain credit within a course (or learning guide) that meets the stated outcomes.
- Self-Directed Learning
- Is the personalization of learning which takes into account individual student characteristics, talents, interests and academic backgrounds. The learner is able to control and direct their learning at a pace agreed by the student, parents and teacher advisor.
- Seminar
- When a group of students meet with a marker/teacher to cover specific material. Seminars are either scheduled weekly or are available through sign up method. As well, students can request a seminar from their marker.
- Sign in and Sign out
- Students are expected to sign in when late or out when leaving. A helpful parent will contact the school in either of these events.
- Student Planner
- This is the book that contains the student's goals, plans and academic records. There is a useful information in each planner including school rules. A student must complete a plan each day and have this approved and signed off by the teacher advisor. The planner can act as an excellent form of communication between the parent and teacher advisor.
- T.A
- Teacher advisor or the teacher that monitors the behaviors, attendance and academic progress for approximately 22 students. These students meet twice daily.
- T.A Update/Progress Report
- An update or snapshot of the student academic progress printed four times a year. A formal report card occurs 4 times a year which includes teacher comments.
- Test Slip
- When a student has demonstrated that he/she is ready to write a test, a "test slip" is issued by the marker. The student would take this slip to the test centre and hand to the test room supervisor.
- Testing Centre
- This is a very busy room where virtually each test is written. Before a student writes a test, the student will have spoken with his/her marker. Up to 900 tests are written in a week.
- Working Area
- The school is divided into subject areas. There is a work area for English, Social Studies, Math, Science, Woodwork, Foods, Art, etc.. Students should be in a specific area where their marker is, and working on the subject as indicated in the planner.