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Thomas Haney Equestrian Academy Options

“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man…”

- Winston Churchill

The Equestrian Academy offers students the opportunity to complete four courses in equestrian studies totaling 16 graduation credits. Admission to the Academy is by written application. Application for admission is open to both THSS and non- THSS students. Students do not need to own a horse to participate. Upon successful completion of all Academy courses, students will be awarded with a certificate in Equine Studies.

Classroom instruction for all three of the Equine Studies courses will include a variety of guest lecturers (veterinarian, farrier, trainer, coach, breeder, etc.) and field trips (horse shows, training facilities, tack stores, colleges etc. Academy student.fees: $300 per school year. Fees include mandatory membership in Horse Council of BC (includes insurance through Capri), barn lessons, honouraria for guest lecturers, local field trip transportation. Students expressing financial hardship may make application to the school administration for financial assistance. Safety will be addressed in a comprehensive manner. Students will receive safety instruction both in the classroom and in optional riding lesson settings. While HCBC insurance is mandatory, parents will be asked to sign a waiver as is customary in all sports that include risk.