Independent Directed Studies 12 (Equestrian)
The course enables the student to demonstrate practical ability in working with horses in one of three ways:
Students who already have a horse or access to a horse.
Students who are already working with a coach or trainer at least four times a month (either on their own horse or on a lesson horse) may complete this course by having their coach/trainer complete a rubric assessment of the student’s skills development once a month. Students who engage in recreational riding at least once each week may complete this course by keeping a rider log journal which is to be signed off by the parent on a monthly basis.
Students who are not currently working with a coach/trainer but who would like to take riding lessons may complete this course by taking riding lessons at one of our liason stables: The Maple Ridge Equi-Sport Centre or Maple Meadows Equestrian Centre. Students must complete a minimum of two lessons a month and riding lesson fees are NOT included in Academy fees. Payment for riding lessons and the cost of these lessons are entirely between the students/parent and the coaching staff at the facility. THSS will provide release time during school (and possibly transportation) for students to facilitate taking lessons during the school day lessons.
Students may complete this course by participating in barn lesson clinics that are included in the Academy fee structure. Held at one of our two affiliate facilities these lessons will involve all aspects of horsemanship on the ground. To include, conformation clinics, grooming, bandaging, tack and maintenance, stable management, parasite control, ground handling, lunging demonstrations.
Trainer -Coach Assessment rubric OR rider log journal, attendance OR participation in barn clinics.