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School District 42 - Acceptable Use Policy

School District #42 wishes to allow its students to access curriculum based information resources no matter where they may be. To this end, the District permits its students to access the Internet. The responsible use of District facilities is the overriding goal of the Board Policy IIAD on Internet use (a copy is available at each school office and at the District Education Office).

This interconnected worldwide web of computers can provide the students with access to the most recent research and the most up-to-date statistics and opinions. However, the Internet can also provide the students with access to less than desirable information.

While it is in fact, impossible to completely protect students from accidental exposure to inappropriate materials it is important that the district have an acceptable use agreement to provide guidelines for the use of this vital informational resource by its students.

It is expected that students will conduct themselves according to the social and cultural norms of their community.
  • School use of Internet is under the direction/supervision of school staff and students are obligated to use it appropriately. They should conduct themselves responsibly, ethically and politely while on-line.
  • Inappropriate use of the Internet is prohibited. Use of obscene or illegal materials or indulging in activities in support of such activities is prohibited.
  • Students should not allow themselves to become involved in activities or discussions which are illegal or ill suited and that might include opening themselves to access by people wishing to make inappropriate contacts with students.
  • Students are expected to conduct themselves in a socially acceptable manner at all times while on the Internet. Access to the Internet is limited to either:
    · Directly curricular related information searches.
    · Email with other students or teachers where the interaction is based on acceptable community standards.
    The School District will not permit its Internet access points to be used for illegal, obscene, or inappropriate purposes.
  • Users will not use the Internet for any product and / or service advertisement or political lobbying.
  • The student and parent will not hold the teacher, school or District liable for any materials retrieved from the Internet.
  • Abuse of the acceptable use policy will lead to suspension and /or termination of the student’s access to the Internet. The time for this to be determined based upon previous behavior. (Illegal activities are covered under individual schools’ Codes of Conduct and various other District policies and may be directed to RCMP.)
  • This agreement shall remain in effect as long as the student is enrolled in School District 42 or until terminated by either party by notification in writing.
This agreement may be revised at any time, it is your responsibility to check for revisions.